Sunday, September 21, 2008


Hello, everyone! This is Jen. Just checkin' in! Sorry the blog has been in idle mode for a while. There has been a lot going on here. Ambre' hasn't had much time to make any new pieces. Kojak has found a new job with DirectTV. He has been in training for a few weeks now out of town, so Ambre has had the kids all by herself during the week and studying hard on the weekends for her class. I have a few pieces made that have not been fired yet but I also have been sick with a flareup of my asthma and very busy at work. They let our clerk go a few weeks ago and I have had to do her job and mine too. This past week the site manager took a week off, so I have been doing his job also. Very tired by the time I get home. Hopefully before long we will have some new pieces to display. In the meantime, please bear with us as we get through this harsh period. Thanks, Jen