Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Projects in the Making

Here we have a few pieces that Ambre started today. We'll try to follow them through the process, 'til they're finished.

Here we have the ball of clay before it is turned into a piece of pottery. It is shaped into a ball and then centered which I will show later.

This is the piece after Ambre has thrown the clay. This will be a birdhouse, so after opening the clay in the center and making what looks like a small bowl, she began to bring the top in and close it up to form the cone at top. It is completely hollow on the inside.

Now, here is the birdhouse looking more like a birdhouse with the little door cut into the side and a lip formed for the perch. At the top point a hole is cut through for the hanger. Well, I'm going to show a couple more pictures of Ambre's work today, then we'll wait until these pieces dry and are ready for the kiln to bisque fire.

A small pitcher with a rib design around the top and heavy handle.

This is the other birdhouse Ambre made today. It is a little smaller than the first and has a rib cut design all the way around. It looks a little like a beehive, doesn't it?

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