Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ambre here......

You know, sometimes it takes a while to get things done in our mud slinging high-fired world, with waiting for pieces to dry, ('cause you DO NOT want them to explode in the kiln) sanding, bisquing, cooling, dipping, the endless decisions and the final firing! Man, that's a lot of waiting! And honestly, I'm just not a patient person. (yeah, I said it, I'm not ashamed....I have LITTLE patience) Although, it's hard for me because I'm also a procrastinator.....don't even ask how that works.....I'm not sure myself!
Okay, enough with my deep-seeded personal issues.
The point of today's post is that I know some of you have as much patience as me and I thought maybe ya'll would like to see some of our pieces we have done in the last year or so! I think we started pottery classes when the boys were around 7 months old so I guess we're going on 2 years now. It has been fun! Ya know, I should really post some pictures of our very first pieces, that would be cool. Keep your eyes open for that one! Okay, so here we go!

This is my's kinda cool! I carved and painted it so that as you turn it each set of eyes looks different (AKA.....CRAZY).

This one is my very first Wicked Tree! Just an oval plate but I loved it! It was sold to a Log Home Builder who wanted it to use in a display home!

These are Mom's Rice Bowls! They turned out so cute and sold pretty fast. I'm hoping she makes some more this year!

My Big Pitcher! This thing is about the size of a soccer ball and dipped in Raspberry and Nutmeg!

These are some of the pendents I did last year!

Above and below are pictures of birdhouses that Mom and I did last year and Boy Oh Boy, did they sell fast! I am here to say the number of homeless birds in Rutherford County dropped last year, I'm sure of it!

This small pitcher was dipped in cobalt and white which have a really nice effect!

Mom threw these cups and I got bored, so I stole them from her dried shelf and painted them! Cute huh? I don't think she was mad so it's all good!

Kojak calls this my Irish Pot....I don't really know why! Anyway, I threw it, carved it, painted it, fired it and said goodbye to it and it's new owner! I hope they planted some beautiful flowers in it!

So, all of these pictures and more can be viewed in our Picasa Web Album....the link can be found on the right! Go check them out!

Thanks for stopping by....and for putting up with my tendency to ramble!

Your comments are welcome and appreciated!

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